Saturday, April 11, 2015

Making The Choice Of Life

Hello Everyone,

A family member of mine has only one artery working and the rest of the arteries closed up with plaque. That one artery of the heart is keeping him alive. The doctor says he is going to have to lose weight which will help a lot. But look like some ways, besides exercising, are going to have to change. I'm going to have to start buying some Olive Oil and more herbs and spices. No more salt. I read on the internet about how to clean heart arteries naturally. Looks like I will make a habit of making him drink some Apple Cider Vinegar. During the last couple of years, I found out for myself that ACV can be my best friend. Many people say the Apple Cider Vinegar is part of an old fashion remedy. But I'm starting to learn that those old remedies always work.

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